LeapingWare For FGP and SCP is a software packaged designed to help you run your volunteer organization. With it you can:
- Maintain a database of demographic information concerning your volunteers – addresses, email, contact information, insurance and driver licenses, is a veteran, and so on.
- Track volunteer activity, expenses and reimbursements -.the places they work, the people they serve, the time they put in, meals, mileage and categories you make up.
- Keep information on contacts for the volunteers and their clients.
- A rich set of options you can use to get the most out of the software. Some examples are several leavetime accrual configurations, generic fields, automatic backups, browse screens similar to spreadsheets, and batch stipend entry.
- The software can be set to automatically make backups of your data files, daily or weekly. You can also make a backup yourself at any time. This will help you rest more easily, knowing it is getting done. You know the old saying “Nobody backups!”
- Create reports on any of this information. These include the PRS, Workstation Roster - updated for 2013 - and other federally required reports, along with a rich set of reports and templates to use in all facets of your activities. No two places have the exact same needs, so a large variety and flexibility in making reports is a big help.
- Use a report designer to modify reports - change the appearance of items such as text labels, placement of items in the report. Plus put YOUR finishing touches on reports.
For a guided tour of what the software can do you, click here
Database Software For Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Programs